Fountain Model Arrives in Enumclaw

The concept model of the fountain has arrived in town from Ross Brown's studio, ready to get acquainted with the Enumclaw community (and they with it!).   


Most initial reactions have been enthusiastic, such as:

Love it!
Wow!  I REALLY like the fountain.  It feels like Earth is reaching out to give its gift of the water.
How cool is that?!  I want one of those!
Yup, like.

 while a few express reservations: 

 I need some time to think about that....
 Is that how it's going to look?!

We welcome all feedback.  We invite you to see the fountain often, spend time examining it, get to know it.  One initial skeptic now says:

 It's growing on me......

And those loving it find more to love.  The relief images are worth close attention.  The more we look at them the more we are seeing.  And since the final sculpture will be three times this size, it will have even more images and more detail.

We presented the model to the Arts Commission last night (August 3).  If it is approved, they will present it to the City Council for a final decision.  Then Ross can begin work on the actual fountain. 

The model is heading to Art in the Garden Friday evening and will be displayed there over the weekend.  Next week it will appear in the front window of Arts Alive and spend some time there.   So right away you can get an up-close look at these venues and leave us your comments about the fountain.  We'll post notices of other showings, perhaps at the library, city hall, schools.... 

See it soon and let us know what you think!

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